The Corwins
Owen, Debbie, and Meridith all attended OU Dental School and have a passion for dental care. They don't only treat patients at their office in Bristow, Oklahoma - They volunteer their time and talents to people in Oklahoma and all over the world who need dental care. If you are looking for a loyal and dedicated dental team to treat you and your family, Corwin Family Dentistry is the perfect choice. Celebrating 25 years in Bristow We are open 4 days a week, and ready to treat, help, and assess all your dental needs.
Get in touch
We at Corwin Family Dentistry we know that finding the right dentist to care for your family is an important decision. We have been serving our area for over 25 years and you have seen our family grow up alongside yours.
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Our Dentists
Owen Corwin, DDS
Debbie Corwin, DDS
Meridith Tinnin, DDS
Our Staff
Hygiene Team > Mandy RDH, Loren
Hygiene Coordinator > Alecia
Assisting Team > Kaitlyn, Kris, Sharondha
Admin Team > Aprill, Dennise