Serving Bristow for 25 years.


What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a permanent prosthetic structure that is surgically inserted into the bone of the jaw or face and assists with restoring missing teeth. An implant can be made of Titanium, a very common material used in joint replacements, or ceramic (zirconium oxide). Part of the dental implant sticks up out of the gums, like a tooth does, and is used to place an abutment or a supporting structure so a crown or other structure may be put in place to replicate the function of a tooth or teeth.

Dental implant with abutment and crown replacing a premolar

A dental implant can be affected by infection just like a natural tooth. When a dental implant is placed, the gums and bone must be in optimal health so the implant may have stability and strength. After placement, an implant must be cared for like a tooth to prevent infection of the gum and bone. This includes regular cleanings and exams to identify and treat any issues that may arise.

Meridith Tinnin